Mango Ice Cream Recipe

"Mangoes are the quintessential fruit of India. They come in many different varieties, shapes, colors and sizes, and are enjoyed in many different ways from chutneys, drinks, ice cream, and of course eaten as a fresh fruit. Mangoes make a wonderful Indian ice cream. Indian ice cream is not churned during freezing resulting in a denser textured ice cream. Mangoes improve digestion and help with constipation. They are also high in iron and good for pregnant women and for people with anemia."

Mango Ice Cream Recipe

Serves: 4 to 6
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 25 minutes + 25 minutes cooling + 3 hours to set in the freezer
Freezer life: 3 weeks


2 cups (500 ml) whole milk or plain soy milk
Seeds from 5 whole green cardamom pods, crushed
½ cup (100 g) sugar
1 large fully ripe mango (about 1 lb/500 g)


1. Pour the milk into a heavy bottomed, medium-sized saucepan. Bring to a rolling boil over high heat, stirring frequently as it comes to a boil. Don’t let the milk boil over and out of the saucepan! Immediately reduce the heat to medium.
2. Add the crushed cardamom seeds and stir to combine. Simmer the milk until it is reduced to ½ cup (125 ml), stirring frequently, about 20 to 25 minutes. If any skin forms on the surface, simply stir it back in. If there is any scorched milk at the bottom of the saucepan, do not scrape it.
3. Add the sugar and stir until it has all dissolved. Remove from heat and let cool to room temperature to avoid adding fresh mango to hot milk.
4. Wash the mango. Using a vegetable peeler, peel the mango. Cut away all of the flesh from the pit. Place the mango flesh in a blender. Blend until pureed smooth.
5. After the milk has cooled to room temperature, add the pureed mango to the milk. Stir thoroughly to combine. Pour the mixture into ice cream bar molds or an ice cube tray or mini muffin pan tray, or any shape mold you prefer. Put in the freezer until frozen, about 3 hours.
6. Remove the frozen ice cream from the molds by tilting the mold or tray sideways and running under hot water until the ice cream is loose and you can take it out. Enjoy!

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